• Respecting Human Rights

Respecting Human Rights

Our Commitment

At McDonald's Holdings Company (Japan), Ltd. and McDonald’s Company (Japan), Ltd. (McDonald’s Japan), we take seriously our responsibility to respect and promote human rights and to act with due diligence to avoid infringing on the human rights of others and addressing any impacts on human rights if they occur.
McDonald’s Japan is committed to respecting human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our Human Rights Policy (“Policy”) is also guided by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Bill of Human Rights, and the principles set out in the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
We respect the fundamental rights of McDonald’s Japan employees wherever we do business, which are: equal opportunity for everyone, a safe and healthy workplace and freedom from discrimination and harassment.

This Policy applies to McDonald’s Japan and we encourage our franchisees to uphold these principles. The related policy is also stated in Our Standards of Business Conduct and Our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Our Standards of Business Conduct contain our commitment to respect human rights in our workplaces and applies to all McDonald’s Japan employees. Our Supplier Code of Conduct contains our human rights guidelines for suppliers.

Implementation and Remedy

We commit to reduce the risk of infringing on human rights by identifying, monitoring, and addressing any impacts on human rights to our employees, which we have caused or to which we have contributed. We encourage our business partners to do the same.
We provide access to remediation and Employees may report potential or actual human rights violations through multiple reporting channels including contacting Human Resources, Compliance Department, and the Compliance Hotline. Employees are required to promptly report utilizing our internal reporting systems which include the Compliance Hotline when they find any actions which go against the Standards of Business Conduct or laws.
We will not tolerate any retaliation of any kind directed against anyone who reports an issue concerning compliance with this Policy.


Human rights risks are considered as part of our ongoing processes to identify and assess risk. Board level oversight is provided by the Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board. Corporate Relations Division manages this Policy and works with various departments across the company, including Supply Chain Division & Human Resource Division.
We commit to evolve our actions supporting this Policy and to continuously address any human rights issues. It requires ongoing work to assess our practices and our approach, considering changing global circumstances and an evolving global policy environment, and we will adjust the policy as necessary. We are dedicated to exemplifying good corporate citizenship through our commitment to respecting human rights and through our broader commitment to sustainability.